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A natural immunity & essential nutrients enhancingformula


Naturally fights harmfull free radicals. It has been shown to decrease oxidative stress, increase natural killer cells. It helps to maintain  a healthy cardiovascular system and support cognitive function.


1 Mritunjay ras Mritunjay ras
2 Shringrabh ras Shringrabh ras
3 Tribhuvan kirti ras Tribhuvan kirti ras
4 Yashtimadhu Glycyrrhiza glabra Root
5 Vasa Adhatoda vasica Root
6 Khadir Acacia catechu Bark
7 Manjishtha Rubia cordifolia Root
8 Nirgundi Vitex negundo Leaf
9 Daru haldi Berberis aristata Rhizome
10 Haridra Curcuma longa Rhizome
11 MCCP MCCP – – Q.S


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