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Controls & regulates heart mechanism, functions and heart related disorders.


The most common type of CVDs are coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, cardiac failure, congestive heart failure,arrhythmia and stroke. Chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, dizziness, racing or slow heartbeat are familiar symptoms of cardiovascular problems. Blend of Arjuna helps to decrease LDL cholesterol and maintain HDL cholesterol. Helps to regulate triglyceride levels in blood and eliminate bad cholesterol etc.


1 Nagbala Grewia hirsuta Root
2 Mukta Pishti Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
3 Hradyarnav Ras Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
4 Shankh Vati Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
5 Prabhakar Vati Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
6 Amla Emblica officinails Fruit
7 Arjun Terminalia arjuna Extract
8 Lahshun Alluim sativum Clove
9 Haldi Curcuma longa Rhizome
10 Laal Mirch Capsicum annuum Fruit
11 Pushkar Mool Inula racemosa Root
12 Prawal Pishti Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
13 Daalchini Cinnamomnm zeylanicum Bark
14 Jawahar Mohra Classical Ayurvedic Medicine


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